The Foundation - Futuro Sostenibile
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The Foundation



President: Francesco Rutelli

Political – Parliamentary Committee *: Emma BoninoFranco BrunoPierferdinando Casini,Stefano De LilloLorenzo DellaiLoredana De PetrisPiero FassinoFranco FrattiniFabio GranataGiuseppe LeoniMaurizio LupiMarianna MadiaFlavia NardelliErmete Realacci.

Scientific Committee: Luca Bader , Carlo Carraro, Sergio Castellari, Mario Cucinella, Marzio Galeotti, Filippo Giorgi, Alessandro Lanza, Antonio Navarra, Luigi Paganetto, Pasquale Pistorio, Clara Poletti, Mauro Politi, Cesare PozziAldo Ravazzi.

 Secretary: info@futurosostenibile.org


* “The Committee brings together parliamentarians and politicians who want to focus on the opportunities of economic and social growth through environmental policy; who do not espouse the theories of the” decline “; who welcome the widely prevailing scientific consensus on climate change, without sharing ” eco – skeptical” theories.
The members of the Committee, in coherence with the positions of their parties and political groups, deal with all energy options and seek innovative convergence on major issues of environmental initiative, with a critical approach and merit assessment, that is not “ideological”. Among these issues: the landscape and the beauty; interventions for sustainable building, energy efficiency and related technological innovations; European policies.
The main effort of the Center for a Sustainable Future regards the global environment.”

Centro per un Futuro Sostenibile Via degli Zingari, 15 - 00184 Roma (tel. +39 06.87570009)