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Skanska sees cheap shale gas boosting U.S. construction market

Skanska sees cheap shale gas boosting U.S. construction market

The size of construction group Skanska’s (SKAb.STbusiness in the Americas could overtake that of its Nordic home markets, as it sees a surge in work on industrial plants as a result of the U.S. shale gas boom, its chief executive said on Tuesday.

Johan Karlstrom, speaking at Reuters Nordic Investment Summit, said spending on infrastructure, new hospitals and facilities for high tech industries would contribute to its growth in the United States in the coming years.

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U.K. Shale Revenues Should Go to Low Carbon Future, Davey Says

U.K. Shale Revenues Should Go to Low Carbon Future, Davey Says

The U.K. should set up a fund using tax revenues from shale gas production to help it meet environmental goals, Energy Secretary Ed Davey said. “I want us to be a country that invests for the future, a low-carbon future using shale gas revenues,” he said today at a conference in London. His Liberal Democrat party will discuss a low-carbon transition fund established from tax revenues from any future shale gas production at its conference this month, he said.

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Syrian crisis strengthens the case for shale gas

Syrian crisis strengthens the case for shale gas

Oil prices are up to $115 a barrel for Brent crude on the basis of market fears that western governments will not be able to limit their involvement in Syria to a few missile strikes shot from warships located safely offshore and that the Sunni-Shia conflict will spread across the Middle East. The forward market is suggesting that spot prices will go even higher. Maybe. The western involvement certainly looks ill-prepared and lacking in strategic purpose. The response to what is happening in Syria from the US, in particular, reminds me of the impotent response of the dying Ottoman regime to the gradual collapse of its empire across the Middle East in the years before the first world war.

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Shale gas e shale oil, verso lo scoppio della bolla?

Shale gas e shale oil, verso lo scoppio della bolla?

Il mercato degli asset oil & gas nordamericano nei primi sei mesi del 2013 si è dimezzato rispetto allo stesso periodo dell’anno scorso, passando da 54 a 26 miliardi di dollari, dicono i dati di Bloomberg. Compagnie importanti come BHP e Shell hanno drasticamente ridimensionato i loro investimenti in shale gas e shale oil. La corsa a questi ‘fossili non convenzionali’ negli Usa frena bruscamente, gas e petrolio da scisti non sembrano mantenere le promesse di prosperità di poco tempo fa. Sta già scoppiando la bolla che qualcuno ha pronosticato?

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UK shale gas survey likely to reveal reserves higher than expected

UK shale gas survey likely to reveal reserves higher than expected

New estimates of the UK’s reserves of shale gas will be published on Thursday, and are expected to be much larger than originally thought – potentially supplying the UK with decades’ worth of natural gas, if a high proportion of the gas in the rocks can be extracted at a low cost. However that key question that cannot yet be answered due to the lack of experimental wells drilled so far and the challenges posed by the UK’s high density of population.

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