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Ue apre a shale gas, norme comuni ma nessun vincolo

Ue apre a shale gas, norme comuni ma nessun vincolo

L’Ue apre la porta alla ‘rivoluzione’ dello shale gas con la speranza che possa alleviare le sue difficoltà di competitività sui prezzi energetici e dell’industria, seppur con la consapevolezza che in Europa non sarà la ‘manna’ che ha fatto ripartire il motore in difficoltà dell’economia americana. Saranno i singoli stati, liberi di scegliere il proprio mix energetico, a decidere se sfruttare o meno il gas di scisto e, in caso affermativo, dovranno seguire “una serie di principi comuni” a tutela dell’ambiente.

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Cameron pledges cash for communities to ease path for UK fracking

Cameron pledges cash for communities to ease path for UK fracking

The pledge, made on Monday, coincides with an announcement by France’s Total that it will spend about $50m on exploring for shale gas in the East Midlands, making it the first oil major to invest in the UK’s fledgling sector. The prime minister said that local authorities will be able to keep 100 per cent of rates they collect from shale sites – up from the usual 50 per cent – amounting to an estimated £1.7m for a 12-well site.

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Fracking incentives will give councils ‘contradictory roles’

Fracking incentives will give councils ‘contradictory roles’

Government moves to persuade councils to support fracking have been condemned as giving them “contradictory roles” and undermining trust in local government decisions, according to anti-fracking campaigners and an MP whose constituency has a site that is being explored for drilling. The prime minister, David Cameron, announced on a visit to a site close to Gainsborough in Lincolnshire on Monday that councils would be allowed to keep 100% of business rates from fracking operations rather than 50% as before, on top of other local incentives already announced. Cameron said that Britain is “going all out for shale” as the French oil major Total announced it was taking a 40% share in the drilling operations in the Gainsborough trough.

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Lo shale gas e la lunga marcia verso l’indipendenza energetica della Cina

Lo shale gas e la lunga marcia verso l’indipendenza energetica della Cina

Il primo consumatore di energia al mondo vuole ridurre il peso del carbone e delle importazioni. Un obiettivo non privo di ostacoli.
La Cina è il più grande consumatore di energia al mondo. Ne consuma più di quanta ne produca e il suo fabbisogno è destinato ad aumentare. Dal 2002 al 2011 i consumi energetici sono cresciuti del 132% a fronte di una crescita della ricchezza nazionale del 404%.
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Centrica eyes growth and welcome beyond UK

Centrica eyes growth and welcome beyond UK

That must make a nice change. Even as Centrica, the owner of British Gas, continues to be classed as a public enemy in the UK, it is being greeted with open arms in Ireland. The consortium which it leads has been declared the preferred bidder for Bord Gáis Energy and it has been hailed as an “international strategic investor”. It may have been Irish government relief talking at having got the deal away, at an enterprise value of up to €1.12bn. Still, it suggests that Centrica’s hopes of investing in the Irish oil and gas industry will get a fair hearing.

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