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Italia quinta al mondo per le energie rinnovabili

Italia quinta al mondo per le energie rinnovabili

Secondo l’ultimo rapporto di REN21 presentato a Bruxelles, nel 2012, con una capacità di 29 GW, il nostro Paese si è posizionato al quinto posto della classifica mondiale
Sono infatti 29 i gigawatt di potenza “green” installati nel nostro Paese, come rivela l’ultimo rapporto internazionale sulle rinnovabili elaborato da REN21(Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century).

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Seaweed biofuels: a green alternative that might just save the planet

Seaweed biofuels: a green alternative that might just save the planet

“It’s best to get it out of the water now or it’ll start getting grazed by the little beasties,” says Lars Brunner as he hauls 50kg of glistening, translucent kelp from the dark waters of the Sound of Kerrera into the boat. The long summer days mean the seaweed is rapidly storing up sugars, which snails and barnacles find delicious.

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UK shale gas survey likely to reveal reserves higher than expected

UK shale gas survey likely to reveal reserves higher than expected

New estimates of the UK’s reserves of shale gas will be published on Thursday, and are expected to be much larger than originally thought – potentially supplying the UK with decades’ worth of natural gas, if a high proportion of the gas in the rocks can be extracted at a low cost. However that key question that cannot yet be answered due to the lack of experimental wells drilled so far and the challenges posed by the UK’s high density of population.

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SEN, efficienza energetica e rinnovabili si moltiplicano

SEN, efficienza energetica e rinnovabili si moltiplicano

La Strategia Energetica Nazionale prevede lo sviluppo dell’efficienza energetica e delle rinnovabili termiche, considerando la filiera termotecnica nazionale un’eccellenza nel panorama industriale del nostro Paese nonché uno dei mezzi per raggiungere questi obiettivi.

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