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Il futuro del fotovoltaico e la crisi delle utility

Il futuro del fotovoltaico e la crisi delle utility

Per la prima volta, nel 2013 la nuova potenza solare installata nel mondo supererà quella dell’eolico. Malgrado le difficoltà e gli interventi governativi retroattivi, quest’anno il fotovoltaico dovrebbe infatti incrementarsi di un 20%  rispetto al 2012 portandosi a 37 GW, mentre l’utilizzo del vento ha visto qualche rallentamento negli Usa e in Cina.  Dieci anni fa il rapporto tra le nuove installazioni eoliche e solari era di 12 a 1 a favore del vento e tutto fa pensare che il solare continuerà a crescere più rapidamente per la possibilità di diffondersi in diversi paesi anche senza l’impiego di incentivi.

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In a Hot, Thirsty Energy Business, Water Is Prized

In a Hot, Thirsty Energy Business, Water Is Prized

WITH so much focus on carbon emitted from the nation’s power plants, another environmental challenge related to electricity generation is sometimes overlooked: the enormous amount of water needed to cool the power-producing equipment.

In the United States almost all electric power plants, 90 percent, are thermoelectric plants, which essentially create steam to generate electricity. To cool the plants, power suppliers take 40 percent of the fresh water withdrawn nationally, 136 billion gallons daily, the United States Geological Survey estimates. This matches the amount withdrawn by the agricultural sector and is nearly four times the amount for households. 

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Voser’s vision leaves Shell in better health

Voser’s vision leaves Shell in better health

One thing is indisputable about Peter Voser’s four-year stint in the Royal Dutch Shell hot seat: investors are a lot surer of Shell than they were in 2009. As chief financial officer and then as chief executive, Mr Voser helped transform a group that was rocked to its foundations by a reserves accounting scandal and was seen as the sick man of the oil industry.

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Fukushima, nuova fuoriuscita di acqua radioattiva

Fukushima, nuova fuoriuscita di acqua radioattiva

Nuova perdita di acqua radioattiva all’impianto nucleare Daiichi di Fukushima, teatro del gravissimo incidente innescato dal terremoto e lo tsunami del marzo 2011. Secondo quanto ha riferito nella notte la Tepco, la società che gestisce la centrale, l’acqua fuoriuscita da un serbatoio potrebbe essersi riversata nell’oceano Pacifico.

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Coal to Surpass Gas in Southeast Asia Power Boom, IEA Says

Coal to Surpass Gas in Southeast Asia Power Boom, IEA Says

Coal will replace natural gas as the dominant fuel for producing electricity in Southeast Asia as the region almost doubles its energy consumption in the next two decades, according to the International Energy Agency.

The 10 members of ASEAN, with energy demand growing at more than twice the global average, will get 49 percent of their power from coal by 2035, up from 31 percent in 2011, the IEA said today in its Southeast Asia Energy Outlook. The share from gas will drop to 28 percent from 44 percent.

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