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China Divides Europe in Fight Against Tariffs

China Divides Europe in Fight Against Tariffs

Adroitly alternating the threat of a trade war with the lure of its huge import market, China appears to have driven a deep wedge between Germany and the rest of the European Union. And it may even have caused a rift within the German business world.

As Chinese and European trade officials stare each other down over next week’s scheduled imposition of big tariffs on the $27 billion worth of solar panels China sells to Europe each year, Germany has come down on China’s side.

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Opec loses power as US shale boom keeps prices down

Opec loses power as US shale boom keeps prices down

Oil traders should not lose too much sleep worrying about what Opec, often unpredictable and quarrelsome in the past, will do when it meets this week. The producer cartel, say delegates who attend meetings, is odds on to leave output policy unchanged. As a risk factor for oil markets, its May 31 gathering in Vienna barely features on traders’ radar.

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SEN e Hub del gas in Italia. Una partita europea.

SEN e Hub del gas in Italia. Una partita europea.

Riportiamo una sintesi dell’intervento di Umberto Quadrino – ex presidente di Edison – sul tema dell’ambizioso Hub euro mediterraneo del gas in Italia, disegnato nella Strategia Energetica Nazionale. Quadrino parte dal perchè teoricamente un hub sud europeo (basato naturalmente in Italia) avrebbe senso: il mercato del gas è cambiato, e non può più basarsi su un prezzo che segue fondamentalmente ipotesi di consumi in crescita lineare e prezzi legati al petrolio.

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Don’t delay on renewable energy, government told

Don’t delay on renewable energy, government told

Investing in new renewable power generation, rather than a “dash for gas”, will be the lower-cost option for keeping the lights on while cutting greenhouse gas emissions, the government’s climate change watchdog has said.

The sooner the UK makes large investments in low-carbon generation – including offshore and onshore wind, nuclear power and energy from waste – the cheaper it will be, according to David Kennedy, chief executive of the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), the statutory body that advises ministers on meeting emissions targets.

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