Posted by Redazione on Nov 9, 2016
The 22nd Session of the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22) will be held in Marrakech, November 7 to 18, 2016. COP22 will take over the reins from COP21 during which important progress was made. It will focus on action items in order to achieve the priorities of The Paris Agreement, especially related to adaptation, transparency, technology transfer, mitigation, capacity building and loss and damages.
Posted by Redazione on Nov 8, 2016
di Galeotti e Lanza
Si è aperta a Marrakech l’annuale Conferenza sui cambiamenti climatici. La consapevolezza internazionale sul tema è molto cresciuta. E oggi in discussione ci sono le modalità di attuazione dell’Accordo di Parigi. Partendo dai tempi di revisione degli impegni finora assunti dai diversi paesi.
Posted by Redazione on Nov 4, 2016
The Paris Agreement to combat climate changebecame international law on Friday — a landmark deal about tackling global warming amid growing fears that the world is becoming hotter even faster than scientists expected. So far, 96 countries, accounting for just over two-thirds of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, have formally joined the accord, which seeks to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit).