Posted by Redazione on Dic 19, 2016
The energy storage industry has grown to become a $100 billion market, projected to reach $250 billion by 2040. This massive valuation is due, in part, to more than 50% of consumer energy bills being attributed to peak hour charges. Noticing the need to make energy usage more affordable and efficient, paired with a passion to improve the planet, one entrepreneur launched a company aimed at transforming the way we use energy.
Posted by Redazione on Dic 17, 2016
Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential election shocked climate scientists and policymakers after a campaign in which Trump had suggested—falsely—that climate change was a hoax and vowed to largely undo federal and international measures aimed at addressing global warming.
Posted by Redazione on Dic 3, 2016
di Alessandro Lanza
I temi della responsabilità storica e della ripartizione nel futuro budget del carbonio sono stati pietre angolari della Cop22 che si è tenuta in Marocco. Sono anche le due problematiche su cui ci siamo soffermati nei due articoli precedenti di questa “trilogia del carbonio”, largamente concentrata sulle emissioni e rafforzata da alcune considerazioni sulla popolazione.