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Cambiamenti climatici, diseguaglianze, emarginazione: i rischi più grandi del prossimo decennio

Posted by on Gen 12, 2017

Un mondo che va “sotto”: schiacciato da minacce costanti, sotto-occupazione e bassa inclusione sociale. E’ la fotografia del nostro pianeta, o meglio la radiografia per l’abbondanza di dati che fornisce, scattata dal Global Risks Report 2017, il rapporto annuale sui rischio globali, giunto alla dodicesima edizione e realizzato come sempre dal World Economic Forum in collaborazione con il gruppo Marsh & McLennan Companies e altri partner strategici.

Chinese Defy Pollution, a Stubborn Visitor

Posted by on Gen 9, 2017

Like ghosts floating in a dim netherworld, the dancers twirled, spun and curtsied in smog so dense that couples a few steps away seemed to be murky apparitions suspended in a gray haze. Filthy air has swamped much of northern China for weeks, but some amateur dancers have stuck to their outdoor ballroom routines.

Climate change in 2016: the good, the bad, and the ugly

Posted by on Gen 2, 2017

This past year had so many stories involving human-caused climate change – it will be forever in our memories. Here is a summary of some of the high points, from my perspective. When I say “high points” I don’t necessarily mean good. Some of these high points are bad and some are downright ugly. Let’s do the good first.

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