Renewable energy is still a hot topic for Germany
Solar Valley, an industrial park sandwiched between the autobahn and the eastern German town of Bitterfeld-Wolfen, was once home to the world’s biggest manufacturer of solar cells. Q-Cells – whose shares were worth €84 at their peak in 2007 – still exists, but is now owned by South Korean conglomerate Hanwha after filing for bankruptcy last year. It is one of the most prominent victims of an industry shake-out that has seen a rollcall of smaller firms declare themselves insolvent while bigger players have exited the market. This year, Siemens announced that it would shut down its solar power unit after struggling to find a buyer, while Bosch announced that it would stop making solar parts from next year. It is a rare disaster story for German manufacturing. (altro…)
Renewable energy expo witnesses grand opening
The 7th Renewable Energy India 2013 Expo at the national capital witnessed a grand opening on the first day of the expo with participation of companies from across the globe and over a 1000 Industry experts at the India Expo Centre, Greater Noida. As always the event has proved to be Asia’s largest and the most influential platform to address the challenges of the Renewable Energy Industry and to showcase the best innovative technological solutions available to overcome them. The event brings together decision makers and influencers as well as technical experts and professionals from leading companies involved in the renewable energy generation, transmission and distribution within India and around the world. (altro…)
India’s reliance on imported energy threatens long-term recovery
Crisis over? The sharp recovery of the Indian rupee over the past week and the return of foreign investors to the stock market suggest that fears of an Indian balance of payments crisis were overblown. Yet India’s biggest underlying financial problem, according to business leaders and economists, is not the imminent change in US monetary policy that triggered an investor exodus from India and other emerging markets last month. Rather, it is India’s own heavy and growing dependence on imported energy. (altro…)
‘Clean Energy’ Is Cooling The Economy And Damaging The Environment
Many people take this advice to heart, especially when it comes to environmental regulations. Policymakers have eagerly supported pre emptive green measures like clean energy subsidies without first waiting for scientific verification or considering their broader economic costs. After all, who wants to be “sorry” when it comes to environmental degradation? “No one” is the easy answer, especially when someone else is picking up the bill. (altro…)
Zanonato riduce lo spazio di mare italiano aperto alle trivelle
Sarà più facile o difficile estrarre petrolio e gas in Italia? La risposta esatta parrebbe essere la seconda, considerando il decreto di riordino appena firmato dal ministro dello Sviluppo economico, Flavio Zanonato. Decreto che interviene sulle aree marine aperte alla ricerca e allo sfruttamento degli idrocarburi, quasi dimezzandole. D’ora in avanti, le compagnie del settore potranno trivellare su complessivi 139.000 km quadrati, anziché 255.000, perché il provvedimento approvato dal ministro sposta “le nuove attività in zone lontane dalle coste e comunque già interessate da ricerche di Paesi confinanti”, come recita il comunicato diffuso dal dicastero di Zanonato. Sarà quindi vietato esplorare i fondali a caccia di oro nero e gas entro le 12 miglia da tutte le coste e aree protette, proprio come aveva voluto l’ex ministro dell’Ambiente nel precedente Governo Berlusconi, Stefania Prestigiacomo, grazie al nuovo Codice ambientale (in precedenza c’era il limite delle tre miglia). (altro…)
Chinese seek greater say in UK nuclear plants
The state-owned Chinese nuclear group that is in talks to invest in Britain’s new nuclear programme wants greater operational control of any new plants it finances, potentially creating a national security headache for the government.
China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN), is in talks with EDF of France on sharing the cost of building a new plant at Hinkley Point, Somerset, which has an estimated price tag of £14bn. (altro…)
Nuove terre promesse per solare e rinnovabili: Australia e Cile
In Australia oltre il 10% della popolazione possiede impianti fotovoltaici. A questo ritmo al 2050 un terzo, o forse più, dell’elettricità potrà essere di origine solare. Un’altra nazione che sta sviluppando grandi impianti a fonti rinnovabili, senza erogare incentivi, è il Cile. Molti gli accordi bilaterali per produrre per utenti locali, come miniere e fonderie (altro…)
Petrolio, 1,5 miliardi fermi in Emilia
L’Eni sarebbe pronta a investire subito 450 milioni di euro per potenziare la produzione di gas offshore nel tratto di Adriatico tra il Po di Goro e le Marche. E sono oltre 700 milioni (706 per l’esattezza) gli investimenti nell’oil&gas bloccati in Emilia-Romagna tra mare, terra e stoccaggi, calcolati del Rie, l’Istituto di ricerche industriali ed energetiche di Bologna. (altro…)
Desertec, le ombre sul grande Sole
A giugno l’annuncio che il programma Desertec verrà abbandonato o ampiamente ridiscusso. I mega progetti di fonti rinnovabili, imperniati sulla ricerca del ‘consenso energetico’, sono spesso funzionali allo status quo energetico, soprattutto se gestiti con mentalità colonialista e centralizzata. Sviluppare le rinnovabili significa tenere in conto anche aspetti sociali e migliorare l’economia regionale. (altro…)
Energy Efficiency Bill Will Help in Fight Against Climate Change
Following months of behind-the-scenes maneuvering, it appears the Senate will begin debate soon on critically important legislation which could help American consumers, businesses and the federal government to save hundreds of millions of dollars each year by using less energy. And using less energy gives us a big leg up in the fight against climate change. (altro…)