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Oil eases off four-month high as speculators doubt deal to cut output

Posted by on 12:48 in Energy, Global News | Commenti disabilitati su Oil eases off four-month high as speculators doubt deal to cut output

Oil eases off four-month high as speculators doubt deal to cut output

Oil eased off four-month highs on Monday as doubts over oil producers reaching a meaningful output cut deal brought some speculators to unwind bullish bets. Global benchmark Brent crude futures LCOc1 were down 23 cents at $51.70 a barrel at 0848 GMT, more than 2 percent lower than the four-month high reached on Friday. (altro…)

Apple Becomes a Green Energy Supplier, With Itself as Customer

Posted by on 10:50 in Energy, Global News | Commenti disabilitati su Apple Becomes a Green Energy Supplier, With Itself as Customer

Apple Becomes a Green Energy Supplier, With Itself as Customer

The words are stenciled on the front of the Apple Store, a glass box sandwiched between a nondescript Thai restaurant and a CVS pharmacy in downtown Palo Alto: “This store runs on 100 percent renewable energy.” (altro…)

Brexit Worsens U.K. Energy Supply Risk as Coal Retirement Looms

Posted by on 09:54 in Energy, Global News, Primo Piano | Commenti disabilitati su Brexit Worsens U.K. Energy Supply Risk as Coal Retirement Looms

Brexit Worsens U.K. Energy Supply Risk as Coal Retirement Looms

Britain’s decision to leave the European Union may push back its planned exit from coal, a mainstay in the nation’s energy supply for more than a century. As the region’s second-biggest economy plans to close its last coal-fired power plant in less than a decade, it will be forced to rely more than ever on imports of natural gas and electricity. (altro…)

Deutsche Bank Pulls Back from Deals in Coal Mining Sector

Posted by on 18:16 in Energy, Global News | Commenti disabilitati su Deutsche Bank Pulls Back from Deals in Coal Mining Sector

Deutsche Bank Pulls Back from Deals in Coal Mining Sector

Pressured by environmentalists and worried about big losses from a troubled industry, many large banks and other lenders have made a hasty retreat from coal mining in recent years. But even in these dark times, there was one bank that many coal miners could still count on for financing and advice: Deutsche Bank. (altro…)

Construction Begins on Trans Adriatic Pipeline

Posted by on 11:26 in Energy, Global News, Primo Piano | Commenti disabilitati su Construction Begins on Trans Adriatic Pipeline

Construction Begins on Trans Adriatic Pipeline

Construction work has begun on the Trans Adriatic Pipeline, which is expected to bring natural gas from the Caspian Sea to Europe and ease reliance on Russian gas imports. The €5 billion ($5.67 billion) project is expected to supply around 10 billion cubic meters of Azeri gas a year to European countries, enough to cover the energy needs of some seven million European households. (altro…)

Food producer Mars taps into Moy Wind Farm near Inverness

Posted by on 15:10 in Energy, Global News | Commenti disabilitati su Food producer Mars taps into Moy Wind Farm near Inverness

Food producer Mars taps into Moy Wind Farm near Inverness

Food producer Mars has agreed to buy its electricity from a company that generates its power at a 20-turbine wind farm in the Highlands. Eneco UK’s Moy Wind Farm near Tomatin, south of Inverness, should generate the equivalent amount of electricity used by Mars’ 12 UK sites. (altro…)

Civil society needs to be involved in all aspects of the Energy Union

Posted by on 18:13 in Energy, Primo Piano | Commenti disabilitati su Civil society needs to be involved in all aspects of the Energy Union

Civil society needs to be involved in all aspects of the Energy Union

In the debate with Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič the EESC stressed the importance of establishing an intelligent, efficient and sustainable EU external energy policy and the need for a shared vision – rather than mere technical/administrative reporting – to ensure that the Energy Union objectives are effectively pursued. (altro…)

As Coal’s Future Grows Murkier, Banks Pull Financing

Posted by on 14:43 in Energy, Global News | Commenti disabilitati su As Coal’s Future Grows Murkier, Banks Pull Financing

As Coal’s Future Grows Murkier, Banks Pull Financing

Tens of thousands of miners were on strike and coal prices were skyrocketing in October 1902. Afraid of unrest, President Theodore Roosevelt sought the help of John Pierpont Morgan.  (altro…)

Over one million jobs in renewable energy

Posted by on 12:00 in Energy, Primo Piano | Commenti disabilitati su Over one million jobs in renewable energy

Over one million jobs in renewable energy

The renewable energy sector employed over one million people in Europe and created a turnover of around €143.6 billion in 2014, according to a new report published by EurObserv’ER, the body that monitors trends in renewable energy in Europe. (altro…)

EU Installs Record Wind Power as Technology Leapfrogs Hydro

Posted by on 14:57 in Energy, Primo Piano | Commenti disabilitati su EU Installs Record Wind Power as Technology Leapfrogs Hydro

EU Installs Record Wind Power as Technology Leapfrogs Hydro

The European Union installed record wind-power capacity in 2015 as the technology leapfrogged hydropower to become the third-biggest source of electricity in the 28-nation bloc. Germany’s market led the growth, installing 47 percent of the 12.8-gigawatts of new wind power capacity across the region, the European Wind Energy Association said Tuesday in an e-mailed report. (altro…)

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