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World Energy Outlook IEA: con prezzi del petrolio bassi sicurezza a rischio

World Energy Outlook IEA: con prezzi del petrolio bassi sicurezza a rischio

l barile a prezzi bassi, mandando fuori mercato molti produttori e rallentando gli investimenti, pone un problema per la sicurezza energetica. Anche perché il futuro prossimo secondo l’Agenzia internazionale per l’energia (la IEA) vedràancora il petrolio e le fossili protagoniste. Lo scenario centrale disegnato nel report per il 2040 vede infatti sì una crescita fortissima delle rinnovabili e dell’efficienza energetica, ma non prevede una transizione energetica abbastanza veloce da affrancarci dalla dipendenza dalle fossili, né da fermare il global warming entro la soglia di sicurezza dei 2°C dai livelli preindustriali. Potrebbe essere sintetizzato così il messaggio che esce dal nuovoWorld Energy Outlook 2015 IEA (WEO 2015) pubblicato oggi (vedi allegati in basso). 

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Business Could Deliver Two-Thirds of Emissions Cuts for 2°C Goal

Business Could Deliver Two-Thirds of Emissions Cuts for 2°C Goal

The President and CEO of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Peter Bakker, has launched a report by PricewaterhouseCoopers showing that the ambitions set out in WBCSD’s Low Carbon Technology Partnerships initiative could deliver 65% of all the carbon emission reductions needed to meet the UN target of keeping global warming to under 2°C. However, for this target to be met, the right policy framework needs to be created by governments around the world.

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Oil market slides out of control

Oil market slides out of control

For most of the Age of Oil, groups of producers have tried to control its price. From the 1920s, that strategy was co-ordinated by the Railroad Commission of Texas, supported by other US states and federal authorities. Then from the 1970s it was Opec, the producing countries’ cartel. The plunge in the price of crude since the summer of 2014 has made it clear that the market has escaped anyone’s ability to control it.

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EU caves in to auto industry pressure for weak emissions limits

EU caves in to auto industry pressure for weak emissions limits

Carmakers have won delays to a more stringent “real driving emissions” test, which will allow them to belch out more than twice the legal limit of deadly nitrogen oxides (NOx) from 2019 and up to 50% more from 2021. The introduction of the tests has been delayed by a year by the European commission. Revelations about Volkswagen’s use of “defeat devices” to manipulate current NOx tests and studies showing that just one in 10 cars meets current limits, appear to have had little effect on the voting.

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Outside Forces Shape European Energy

Outside Forces Shape European Energy

The European Union is struggling to create what it calls its “energy union.” This is largely a refinement of existing policies aimed at improving energy security, accelerating the shift to a low-carbon economy and, on a political level, showing that the 28 European Union member states can pull off a new integration project at a time when they are deeply divided on monetary and immigration policy. Much of it, therefore, is inward-looking.

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Enel, Edf, Eon: così la sfida verde cambia l’Europa dell’energia

Enel, Edf, Eon: così la sfida verde cambia l’Europa dell’energia

La scorsa è stata una settimana cruciale per il futuro delle utility in Europa. Due avvenimenti avvenuti nelle stesse ore, uno a Parigi nella sede centrale di Edf e l’altro a Catania in uno dei campi fotovoltaici di Enel Green Power, possono essere presi ad esempio per spiegare quella che gli esperti hanno già definito la “rivoluzione energetica 2.0”.

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