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EEA Report – Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2016

EEA Report – Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2016

This report is an indicator-based assessment of past and projected climate change and its impacts on ecosystems and society. It also looks at society’s vulnerability to these impacts and at the development of adaptation policies and the underlying knowledge base. This is the fourth ‘Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe’ report, which is published every four years.

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Second Report on the State of the Energy Union

Second Report on the State of the Energy Union

On 25 February 2015, the Commission adopted “A Framework Strategy for a Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking Climate Change Policy”. The publication of this strategy created a new momentum to bring about the transition to a low-carbon, secure and competitive economy and to deliver on one of the 10 priorities of the Juncker Commission.

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Cambiamenti climatici, diseguaglianze, emarginazione: i rischi più grandi del prossimo decennio

Cambiamenti climatici, diseguaglianze, emarginazione: i rischi più grandi del prossimo decennio

Un mondo che va “sotto”: schiacciato da minacce costanti, sotto-occupazione e bassa inclusione sociale. E’ la fotografia del nostro pianeta, o meglio la radiografia per l’abbondanza di dati che fornisce, scattata dal Global Risks Report 2017, il rapporto annuale sui rischio globali, giunto alla dodicesima edizione e realizzato come sempre dal World Economic Forum in collaborazione con il gruppo Marsh & McLennan Companies e altri partner strategici.

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