The Center for a Sustainable Future (CFS) is a foundation that aims to bring the issues related to climate change, the environment, sustainable development and green growth at the heart of our country’s political – economic agenda and international commitment.
The Foundation comprises an authoritative Scientific Committee, which includes, among others, some leading figures of the italian chapter of IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), the UN Commission winner of the 2007 Nobel Prize, and a Political – Parliamentary Committee composed of significant representatives of different political parties. CFS has promoted a series of partnerships, among other things, with Global Climate Network international think tanks, with TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute, India) and the Center for American Progress.
The Centre intends to carry out a qualified activity from the scientific and dissemination point of views, in order to raise public awareness on problems and solutions that are fundamental for the future of the international community.
The Foundation promotes the dialogue between the worlds of science and policy to develop strategies for effective action; it looks at the world of business, as a key to facilitate a change of perspective that allows to consider environmental issues as a main way to overcome the economic crisis, and to create new businesses and jobs.
The Center for a Sustainable Future was established in 1989 to promote political and institutional initiatives on major issues of the global environment.
Today it operates as a Foundation and is being relaunched to contribute to the wider political consensus on a solid scientific basis for the following purposes:
• convergence between political leaders and legislators on national strategies and international agreements to combat climate change caused by humans;
• proper and effective dialogue with the scientific worlds that are defining the real impact of the emissions that contribute to alter the Earth’s climate;
• qualified information to the public opinion, and commitment to the involvement of the younger generations, to counter the sharp decline of attention on these issues in Italian society;
• Joint initiative with the business world to guide – as competitive opportunities – technological innovations and supply chains capable of contributing to emission reductions;
• initiatives to associate the choices for the mitigation of emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change on concrete choices that individuals, businesses, families can take in their everyday experience;
• indication of national targets consistent with the commitments of the European Union and with the agreements resulting from international cooperation.